St Thomas Aquinas

New Podcast Episode: “The Philosophical Side of Theology in St. Thomas’s Compendium” with Dr. Jeremy Holmes

When Wyoming Catholic College sophomores take Theology 201: The Mystery of the Trinity, they’re typically surprised that before diving into the theology of the Trinity, they’re up to their ears in philosophy. God exists. God is unmovable. God is eternal. God is necessary. God is everlasting. God is simple.

Such considerations need to come first since without them, theology can lose the moorings it needs in the intellect and in the world as it is.

To help us understand the place of philosophy in our theology, our guest on this week’s episode of the After Dinner Scholar podcast is the professor who teaches Theology 201: The Mystery of the Trinity, theologian Dr. Jeremy Holmes.

Books Recommended by Dr. Holmes

  • Summa Theologiae by St. Thomas Aquinas (Aquinas Institute Edition)
  • Who Designed the Designer?: A Rediscovered Path to God’s Existence by Michael Augros
  • Aquinas: An Introduction to the Life and Work of the Great Medieval Thinker by F. C. Copleston
  • Aquinas (A Beginner’s Guide) by Edward Feser
  • A Summa of the Summa by Thomas Aquinas and Peter Kreeft

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