Spiritual Formation
"It belongs to the man who is in quest of his supreme good to draw as near to divine things as his condition of life will allow."
-- Archbishop William Bernard Ullathorne
Since the student body of Wyoming Catholic College is predominantly Catholic, Catholic liturgical and devotional practices are always present. Training in spirituality, with Benedictine and Carmelite spirituality given pride of place, is also continually available. Students who are not Catholic are nonetheless invited to partake of the spiritual and moral formation present on campus.
The College’s chaplains, who are in charge of the spiritual welfare of the students, faculty, and administrative personnel, direct the liturgy and devotions offered on campus. They are validly ordained Catholic priests, of sound doctrine and integrity of morals, endowed with zeal for souls, and free of any canonical penalty or restriction; their appointments are ratified by the Bishop of Cheyenne.
Encouraged throughout the school year is devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Chaplaincy establishes opportunities for communal recitation of the rosary as well as special celebrations on Marian feast days. Daily exposition and adoration of the Eucharist is offered and encouraged, followed by benediction. Students and faculty have plentiful opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Penance and spiritual direction. The chaplains are generally available during the day and into the evening hours.
Furthermore, throughout the year, both faculty and chaplains offer instruction in fundamental spirituality, including lectio divina, the spiritual reading of the Bible, a prayer practice developed by the Benedictine monks and practiced for over 1600 years. Students also make the Liturgy of the Hours, with its praying of the psalms, a part of their lives. Night Prayer (Compline) is sung in the chapel for those who wish to attend.