"Be zealous, then, in the observance of one Eucharist.  For there is one Flesh of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and one Chalice that brings union in His Blood."

As the Second Vatican Council teaches, the sacred liturgy—and above all, the Holy Eucharist—is “the source and summit” of the Christian life. This is true in a special way for a community of learners dedicating themselves to acquiring Christian wisdom. To be successful, this holy effort requires a well-formed prayer life.

At the center of prayer stands the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. A college community aspiring to be authentically Catholic will nourish and form its students by the Eucharist celebrated in a most worthy manner. Accordingly, the sacred liturgy is celebrated at Wyoming Catholic College in full fidelity to the directives of Holy Mother Church and with loving attention to her rich and beautiful heritage. Holy Mass is celebrated in both its Extraordinary and Ordinary forms, in implementation of the motu proprio of Pope Benedict XVI, Summorum Pontificum.

In whatever Form or Rite it is celebrated, the sacred liturgy is to be as beautiful and dignified as possible, with great respect for and stewardship of the current instructions as well as the ancient traditions of the rich liturgical heritage of the Catholic Church.  A choir formed primarily of students provides music for more solemn occasions such as Sundays, Holy Days, and the weekly All-College Mass. Likewise, there is a choir of students who provide music for the Byzantine liturgies celebrated on campus.

In recognition of the exalted place of the sacred liturgy in the life of the College, our academic schedule is devised to allow all students and faculty to attend every day.  While attending Mass is never obligatory for students, the College promotes a culture of daily attendance. Moreover, we believe in attending Mass as a community. We have a distinct identity as a College, and our identity is forged by a common celebration of the Eucharistic sacrifice.  Towards this goal, the College comes together for an All-College Mass once each week.

The College community celebrates with special solemnity four feast days that symbolically mark the seasons of the year: All Saints (November 1); Immaculate Conception (December 8); Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, Patroness of the College (February 4); and the Annunciation (March 25). Whenever possible, the College observes these as holidays with all classes cancelled and with a solemn collegiate Mass. On February 4 each year, all who are present at the Mass renew the College’s consecration to Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom.