“The trip was great. So much joy. These students can (and did!) sing for hours, glorious polyphony, from memory. Being surrounded by that, in the dark woods, under a starry night, is something I’ll never forget.
Being a Latin immersion trip, so much of the fun was in our exploring the language together. Students light up when they land a joke in Latin, when they hear or tell a great story, when they finally get a bit of grammar or some vocabulary that had been eluding them.
Our peak attempt was aborted due to awful weather, but it really just made the trip better; the student leaders needed to make real, consequential decisions (as is typical on these trips), sometimes with lengthy conversation and debate, which they did admirably, entirely in Latin. The students were amazing.
Really, there isn’t another place on earth where this could come together.”
Dean Scott Olsson’s account of the outdoor trip he undertook with a dozen of our students this past September is such a wonderful testament to the incarnational education our students experience at Wyoming Catholic. And he’s absolutely right:
There is not another place on earth where this could happen.
His story captures something about our students and about the College’s unique educational vision that can be difficult to articulate, but which anyone who meets them or visits us instinctively recognizes: What these young people are experiencing here in and around Lander, Wyoming—this extraordinary combination of rich, authentic Catholic spirituality and tradition, of joyful intellectual formation and academic rigor, and of deep immersion in the beauty and challenge of the outdoors—could not happen anywhere else!
I’ll go even further. Because what we’re undertaking is so unique, the extraordinary young men and women we’re attracting to Lander and forming with the incarnational education we offer here at Wyoming Catholic are unlike the young people that graduate from any other higher educational institution in America.
Ours is a wonderfully exciting, fulfilling vision of education, but it is one that cannot come together without your help. We depend, with gratitude, on your yearly support to make this amazing education a reality. We are small and lean and real. We know that we are teaching the love of truth. We hope in God, and we trust that He will bring us the support we need.
Each #GivingTuesday, I have the opportunity to remind our friends and benefactors of this College’s great mission, and of the very real costs that must be met in order to achieve that mission. I ask you to join the faculty, staff, students, and families of Wyoming Catholic this #GivingTuesday by considering a gift in support of our vital educational adventure. Your generosity will help us sustain our transformational work and serve as a testament to the importance of our efforts.
Truly, there is not another place on earth where this could happen. There’s nowhere else quite like Wyoming Catholic College!
IRA GIFTS: If you are 70½ or older, you can gift up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as Wyoming Catholic College without having to pay income taxes. This giving vehicle is known as the IRA Charitable Rollover, but may also be referred to as a qualified charitable distribution (or QCD). These gifts count towards your required minimum distribution (RMD), but do not increase your adjusted gross income or generate a tax bill. For more information, visit www.wyomingcatholic.edu/ira.
THE SIMEON SOCIETY: This society was created to honor those men and women who have named Wyoming Catholic College as a beneficiary of their wills, living trusts, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, gift annuities, or charitable trusts. Through these gifts, they are ensuring the College’s success far into the future. Contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at oia@wyomingcatholic.edu or call 307.332.2930 to discuss. Visit www.wyomingcatholic.edu/legacy to learn more.
STOCK GIFTS: Appreciated securities may be transferred to the College at any time. By donating shares, you avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation, while deducting the full fair market value of the security at the time of the gift. To transfer stock, please provide the following information to your broker:
Account Name: Wyoming Catholic College • Account Number: 2667-9281 • DTC Number: 0075