WCC Partners with The Aquinas Institute to Launch Liberal Arts Core Program
In the spring semester, when Wyoming Catholic College students were compelled to conduct their studies electronically from a significant distance, WCC professors and administration inadvertently discovered yet another way to share a taste of life at the College—live, online seminars.
This fall, Wyoming Catholic College, in collaboration with professors from The Aquinas Institute, will provide three classes modeled on the College’s offerings—Humanities 101: Gods & Heroes in Ancient Greece, Theology 101: Salvation History I, and Philosophy 101: Tools of Philosophy.
“We do not see this Liberal Arts Core Program as a replacement for the transformative, immersive education and the extraordinary community we offer here in Lander,” said Professor Kyle Washut, Dean of the College. “Rather, we see it as an opportunity to share a bit of what we do with those who would very much like to join the academic life of Wyoming Catholic, even if only partially.”
Students at the College adventure in the outdoors, ride horses, worship together, share in the riches of the Eastern and Western Catholic spiritual traditions, and study in the rigorous Great Books curriculum composed of eight different curricular tracks. Community is an essential part of this extraordinary education, and the College depends on the real presence of students and faculty—not to mention nature itself. Horseback riding and whitewater kayaking, for example, cannot be duplicated online.
At the same time, the College has tried from its beginning to find ways to share aspects of this rich, integrated life with the wider world. Catholic Outdoor Renewal (COR), the Wyoming School of Catholic Thought, the PEAK programs for high school students, the annual lecture series, podcasts, and various online courses are all ways to share some of the richness of the Wyoming Catholic College experience with friends and supporters.
“Our partnership with the Aquinas Institute will bring a limited selection of our classes to the online realm,” said Dr. Glenn Arbery, President of the College.
The individual courses will be accredited through Wyoming Catholic’s accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. All course content is approved by the College. Although courses taken through The Aquinas Institute will not count toward the Bachelor in Liberal Arts degree that the College offers, they may be proposed for college or university credit at institutions of higher learning throughout the United States and abroad.
If students find themselves drawn to the in-person education at Wyoming Catholic, the College will discount tuition for students who have taken part in the online program. As always, students who wish to pursue a degree from the College should arrange a visit to our location in Lander, to discover how a complete liberal education depends on the shared life of a physical community.
“These courses will no doubt encourage prospective students to try out the ‘full’ version,” said Dr. Arbery, “but also attract those for whom full-time attendance at Wyoming Catholic College is impossible, exposing them to the wonders of liberal education and enriching their lives as a result.”