Jack Walsh

COR Administrative Assistant


Jack was born and raised in Kansas, and grew fully into his Catholic faith at Benedictine College, which he credits with kickstarting his conversion and desire to bring young adults to Christ. During his college years, Jack spent several summers in the Black Hills of South Dakota as a missionary for A Christian Ministry in the National Parks (ACMNP). After graduating from Benedictine College in 2019 with degrees in Theology and International Business, Jack moved to Denver and worked for a Catholic outdoor ministry, Creatio, as a missionary guide. Working for Creatio, Jack guided adventures in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and South Dakota. After falling in love with the great state of Wyoming on Creatio adventures, Jack moved to Lander in 2022 to work for COR Expeditions and to continue his love of serving the Lord through experience in the great outdoors. His interests include hunting, fly fishing, playing guitar, working on cars, and listening to classic vinyl records. He is excited to see how the Lord will use him through working with COR in the coming years!

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