Senior Orations Week
February 5th-7th, 2025

A few weeks into the Spring Semester each year, the Wyoming Catholic Community gathers for Senior Orations Week. President Kyle Washut describes this week as the culminating effort of [our] seniors’ training,” as well as “a foreshadowing of the way our seniors will share the common goods of Truth and Beauty in which they have immersed themselves these last four years with the world at large.”

During the week, regular classes are suspended as the seniors present their orations to faculty, fellow students, board members, and guests of the College. The classrooms are often packed to overflowing for these presentations, which are frequently delivered entirely from memory (though a few notes are permitted). Afterwards, the seniors field questions on the topic for another half hour (or so).

The oration itself is based upon the senior thesis, which each senior completed at the close of the Fall semester. The oration is rarely a mere exposition of the thesis, but often draws upon the work done during the thesis-writing process. This year’s list includes topics as wide-ranging as “Spies Can Lie: Reconciling Scholastic Thought with Political Reality” or “By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them: How External Forms of Decorum Can Lead to Moderation and Virtue in the Soul;” “The Crisis of Postmodernity: A Rejection of the Transcendentals and of True Rhetoric” or “Quit Harvard, Go Sailing: Custom as the Gateway to Compassion in Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast;” “I Have Called You Friends: The Necessity of Vulnerability and Honesty in Prayer,” “Is Transgenderism the Perfection of Man? An Exploration into the Philosophy Behind Transgender Ideology,” and “From Selfies to Stewardship: Aldo Leopold, Farmers, and the Future of our National Parks.”

Each presentation will be live-streamed, and a schedule with links is posted below. The booklet, painstakingly assembled each year by Dr. Michael Bolin, is available HERE. And the YouTube Live playlist for the entire week can be found HERE.

February 5th
8:15am-9:15am“The Spirit of Adventure as a Foil to Modern Rationalism” — Joseph Collins (LIVE STREAM)“The Incommunicable Person: A White Stone and a New Name“ — Dominic Brown (LIVE STREAM)
9:30am-10:30am“Is Transgenderism the Perfection of Man? An Exploration into the Philosophy Behind Transgender Ideology“ — John Renouard (LIVE STREAM)“Who Do You Think You Are?: Painful Providence and the Conversational God” — Marietta Mortensen (LIVE STREAM)“I Have Called You Friends: The Necessity of Vulnerability and Honesty in Prayer” — Elizabeth Beardslee (LIVE STREAM)
10:45am-11:45am“Does Truth Really Set Us Free? Exploring the Mysterious Identity of the ‘Enlightened Person’“ — Bren Walsh (LIVE STREAM)“Departure from the Divine: Acedia and the Crisis of Modern Man“ — Cecilia Pautler (LIVE STREAM)“’By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them:’ How External Forms of Decorum Can Lead to Moderation and Virtue in the Soul“ — Veronica Britt (LIVE STREAM)
12:15pmMass at
Immaculate Conception Oratory
2:00pm-3:00pm“Spies Can Lie: Reconciling Scholastic Thought with Political Reality“ — Ethan Boord (LIVE STREAM)“The Spark of Curiosity: A Defense of Modern Art in Churches“ — Anna Daskiewicz (LIVE STREAM)“Living in a False Reality: A Literary Analysis of Self-Deception“ — Luke Christopherson (LIVE STREAM)
3:15pm-4:15pm“’Be Angry, and Sin Not’: How You Should Be Angry” — Sean Cartier (LIVE STREAM)“’Accept Suffering and Redeem Yourself by It’: The Susceptibility of Suffering to Divine Grace in Crime and Punishment” — Anne Cocker (LIVE STREAM)“Plutarch, Machiavelli, and Why We Study History“ — A.J. Seeber (LIVE STREAM)
4:30pm-5:30pm“A Philosophical Exploration of Objects in the Digital Space“ — Mattea Hagestad“Health Leads to Holiness“ — Hope Crawford-Guarnera (LIVE STREAM)“’Oh, Charles!’: An Exploration of Caroline Ingalls as the Authentic, Unoppressed Feminine” — Maria Camardo (LIVE STREAM)
February 6th
8:15am-9:15am“’To Live and Die in Dixie’: The Need for Preserving the American South” — Ryan Craver (LIVE STREAM)“Angel or Animatron: The Simplification of Man in Scientific Materialism and Cartesian Dualism“ — Hayley Heidt (LIVE STREAM)“’Love One Another, Even as I Have Loved You’: The Innocent Guide as the Remedy for the Errant Conscience” — Elizabeth Eckel (LIVE STREAM)
9:30am-10:30am“Reborn in Hope: An Examination of the Numinous in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych“ — Mary DeSilva (LIVE STREAM)“Why Pornography Is Not Revealing Enough“ — Jerome Daly (LIVE STREAM)“The Crisis of Postmodernity: Rejection of the Transcendentals and of True Rhetoric“ — Clare Bagdazian (LIVE STREAM)
10:45am-11:45am“Seeking the Good Through the Emotions“ — Benjamin Seeley (LIVE STREAM)“Love, Laugh, Live: Shakespeare’s Revelation of the Beauty of Man’s Irrationality“ — Benjamin Haywood (LIVE STREAM)“Are the Orthodox Churches Schismatic?“ — Joseph D'Antonio (LIVE STREAM)
12:15pmMass at
Immaculate Conception Oratory
2:00pm-3:00pm“Meter, I Hardly Even Know Her: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Meter and Poetic Vision“ — Ellijah Lee (LIVE STREAM)“To Infinity and Beyond: The Profoundly Human Art of Poetry“ — Lathan Layfield (LIVE STREAM)“Beyond Doctrine: A Guide to Using Art as a Tool for Salvation“ — Ellen Hesselbrock (LIVE STREAM)
3:15pm-4:15pm“’Because the Holy Ghost over the Bent World Broods’: An Inquiry into the Cooperation of Grace and Nature in Beowulf” — Grace Tabeling (LIVE STREAM)“’I Sound My Barbaric Yawp over the Roofs of the World’: Whitman and the Genesis of American Poetry” — Edward Collins (LIVE STREAM)“Should Catholics Dance?“ — Everest Wagner (LIVE STREAM)
4:30pm-5:30pm“Why the Wheel and the Computer Are Different: The Foundation and Effects of Modern Technology“ — Jacob Landry (LIVE STREAM)“Ends Corrupted by Means: That Schools Should Not Use Grades“ — Brigid Van Hecke (LIVE STREAM)“The March of Spirit: Hegelian Insights into Greek History“ — Aidan Luzarraga (LIVE STREAM)
February 7th
8:15am-9:15am“’Heaven Is where Juliet Is’: Understanding Eros in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet” — Matthew Vidimos (LIVE STREAM)“The Incomprehensible Horror of Divine Love“ — Luca Castronova (LIVE STREAM)
9:30am-10:30am“’The Beautiful Eyes Which Love Had Made into the Snare That Caught Me’: The Conflicting Ideas Between Lady Philosophy and Beatrice” — Frank Magongwa (LIVE STREAM)“’Quit Harvard, Go Sailing’: Custom as the Gateway to Compassion in Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast“ — Nyra Ortiz (LIVE STREAM)“Embracing the Absurd: How Prostitutes and Giant Cockroaches Illuminate Man’s Path to Salvation” — Abraham Tardiff (LIVE STREAM)
10:45am-11:45am“Does the Free Man Do Whatever He Wants? A Comparison of Aquinas’s and Ockham’s Views of Free Will“ — Clara Ramsay (LIVE STREAM)“’Life Is Paradise’: The Incarnational Nature of Particulars in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov” — Teresa Amorose“From Selfies to Stewardship: Aldo Leopold, Farmers, and the Future of our National Parks“ — Hayden Raines (LIVE STREAM)
12:15pmMass at
Immaculate Conception Oratory
2:00pm-3:00pm“Tobit as the Domestic Moment of the Biblical Epic“ — Jacob Baska (LIVE STREAM)“Finding Vocation Through Transgression: The Heart’s Transformation in The Scarlet Letter“ — Grace Sherman (LIVE STREAM)“Why I Am Giving This Oration, and Why It Is Not Being Streamed“ — Kolya Sidloski
3:15pm-4:15pm“’You Are the Light of the World’: Why a Disordered Regime Does Not Negate Our Duty to Exercise Christian Citizenship“ — Catherine Stancliffe (LIVE STREAM)“’Though We Are Many, We Are One Body in Christ’: The Individual’s Role in the Liturgy“ — Helen Carstens (LIVE STREAM)“Why Does Misery Love Company? An Exploration of Communal Suffering in The Brothers Karamazov“ — Clara Anderson (LIVE STREAM)
4:30pm-5:30pm“’O Night More Lovely than the Dawn’: A Reconciliation of the Apparent Contradiction Between the Darkness and Certitude of Faith“ — Anna Tabeling (LIVE STREAM)“The Artist and His Humanity: The Tension Between Beauty and Morality in the Arts“ — Grace Hamilton (LIVE STREAM)