“Orations Week” Draws To A Successful Close
This week, regular classes were suspended as the seniors at Wyoming Catholic College present their senior orations to faculty, fellow students, board members, and guests of the College. The classrooms were packed, often overflowing, for these thirty-minute presentations, which were often delivered entirely from memory (though a few notes were permitted). Afterwards, the seniors fielded tough questions for another half an hour.
This year, the orations ranged widely across diverse topics:
Sophie Carter
Silencing the World for Divine Encounter
Inshal Chenet
You Shall Receive Power: On the Legitimacy of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Nicholas Curley
“The stuff that dreams are made of: ” Film As a Fine Art That Disposes Man to Catharsis and Contemplation
Carolyn De Salvo
St. Bernard of Clarivaux’s Contribution to the Divine Comedy: The Discovery of Feminine Love Poetry
Alexandra Evangelho
Poverty in Spirit: The Foundation of Generosity
Joseph Fredriksson
I Think Your Clock Is Off: Setting the Clock Back with Traditional Education and the Usus Antiquior at Wyoming Catholic College
Kyle French
Aristotle… Divine Revelation… What is Government Anyway?
Maria Ginetti
Natural Law in the American Founding: A Defense of Traditional Ciceronian and Thomist Thought ss the Basis for the American Constitution
Susan Gleason
The Oak and the Worm: The Twofold Nature of Pride in Undset’s The Master of Hestviken
Hannah Glennon
Hopefully not Hopelessly Romantic: Truth, Beauty, and Order in the Novels of Jane Austen
Ryan Hess
El Que no Está en el Verso: Borges’s Search for Beauty Beyond Being
Maria Klein
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created unequal:” A Study of Equality in American Literature
Celestine Kreifels
Angelic Monsters: The Power of Horror and Angelism
Veronica Lademan
Behind The Iron Wall: A Critique of the Israeli Narrative
Jonathan Medlin
The Man Who Was Thursday: An Epic Response to Modernity
Chassidy Menard
The Way Down Is the Way Up: Flannery O’Connor and Comic Vision
Zeda Nutter
Charged with the Grandeur of God: Gerard Manley Hopkins’ Baptism of Romanticism
Thomas Raab
The Weight of the Poetic: The Tangible Nature of Love
Daniel Spenst
Educated Conflict: The Necessity of Conflict to Become Educated
Samantha Stancliffe
Silence and Music in the Liturgy: A Quest for Man’s Re-orientation to the Divine
Jacob Stolarski
Achilles and Odysseus: Homer’s Universal Characters