Our Newest Promotional Short: “Wyoming Catholic College, Born in Wonder”
The faculty, staff, and students of the College are pleased to present our newest promotional short, “Wyoming Catholic College, Born in Wonder.” We realize that no single video (no matter how long) can capture the extraordinary, integrated educational experience of our students. But we hope this latest production will help give the flavor of life here at Wyoming Catholic.
Please share it with your family, your friends, and anyone else that you think would like to learn more about Wyoming Catholic College! (Want more to watch and share? We’ve been collecting all of our past promotional videos at www.wyomingcatholic.edu/video, as well as a number of student-produced shorts that focus on particular aspects of our program. Enjoy!)
Wyoming Catholic College forms students through a rigorous immersion in the primary sources of the classical liberal arts tradition, the grandeur of the mountain wilderness, and the spiritual heritage of the Catholic Church. Grounded in real experience and thoughtful reflection, our graduates love truth, think clearly, and communicate eloquently, engaging with the world as it is. Learn more at www.wyomingcatholic.edu. |