“A Gentle Joyousness:” Lecture on Moby Dick and Dante Enjoyed by WCC Community
Each year, Wyoming Catholic College hosts its annual Lecture Series, welcoming lecturers from the wider academic community to the town of Lander—distinguished men and women who contribute complementary perspectives across a wide range of disciplines.
On March 18th, the third lecture in this year’s Annual Lecture Series was held at the Lander Community Center: “A Gentle Joyousness”: The Ascending Whale and Dantesque Descent in Melville’s Moby-Dick, presented by Dr. Elizabeth Reyes, a professor at Thomas Aquinas College.
Dr. Reyes earned a master’s degree in English literature from the University of Dallas after completing her undergraduate work at Thomas Aquinas College, and went on to earn her doctorate (with honors) at UD’s Braniff Graduate School’s Institute of Philosophic Studies for her dissertation, “Ishmael’s Cetological Quest: A Progression of Imagination in Melville’s Moby-Dick.” She has been a member of Thomas Aquinas College’s faculty since 2011.
The lecture, which was open to the public and was followed by a spirited Q&A period, was enthusiastically received by both the College community and by those Landerites who were in attendance. It can be heard below.