Wyoming Catholic College is seeking proposals for a brand review and refinement effort, searching for a partner to help the college capitalize on its distinctive combination of academic excellence, authentic Catholicity, and rigorous outdoor adventures.

A four-year private college located in the small Wyoming town of Lander, Wyoming Catholic College offers a single degree: a Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts. The school’s mission is to “form its students through a rigorous immersion in the primary sources of the classical Liberal Arts tradition, the grandeur of the mountain wilderness, and the spiritual heritage of the Catholic Church. Grounded in real experience and thoughtful reflection, its graduates love truth, think clearly, and communicate eloquently, engaging with the world as it is.”

The College’s original logo and accompanying marketing collateral was created shortly after its incorporation in July 2005. It has served the College well in the past sixteen years, but subsequent refinements in the way the College understands and describes itself , the gradual expansion of the College’s physical locations and auxiliary programs, and the marketing necessities of an impending capital campaign make this the ideal time to review and refine the way the College represents itself, both with respect to its logo and brand, and to the standards, templates, and media avenues it uses to propagate that brand. Particular emphasis will be placed on the creation of universal standards for all of the College’s electronic and print communications, as well as for its various auxiliary services.

Project Details

  • Conduct an audit of existing brand elements and uses, to determine which current logo and design components should be preserved, which updated, and which have yet to be created;
  • Define key target audiences (students, faculty, applicants, parents, donors, etc.) for the College’s marketing and publications efforts, including departments as diverse as Admissions, Advancement, Auxiliary Services, Crux Coffee, Catering; conduct research via surveys, interviews, conversations with focus groups, etc. to identify brand perception among these target audiences;
  • Map out a brand strategy that clearly articulates the values, mission, and vision of the College and of its various auxiliary services; recommend the best ways to execute that strategy (including website update/redesign, SEO optimization, printed collateral, and staffing needs);
  • Create guidelines for print and online branding, including a style and standards sheet
  • Brand deliverables would include (but not be limited to)
    • New or updated organization logo; referential logos for auxiliary services
    • Detailed brand package including fonts, assets, graphic elements, and color palettes
    • Ready to use templates for collateral materials including (but not limited to):
      • Regular organization newsletter template (print and electronic)
      • Business stationery—letterhead, business cards, folders, note cards, etc.
      • Organization brochure and FAQ sheet template
      • Electronic communications templates (for internal and public use): email newsletters, invitations, memos, reports, email signatures, and press releases
      • Slide decks using presentation software, such as PowerPoint or Prezi
      • Branding standards and usage guide, including guidance on social media presence

Proposed Timeline
Submission due date—June 11, 2021
Response review timeline—June 14-July 2, 2021
Interview dates—July 7-9, 2021
Anticipated contract award date—July 12, 2021 

Guidelines and Requirements

  • Firm profile, capabilities, and organizational chart, including core competencies;
  • Project team and resumes of key project members;
  • Relevant past projects, including descriptions, contact info, size, cost, and completion date
  • Examples of rebranding projects that illustrate the process from research to delivery;
  • Proposed approach, work plan, and timeline
  • Total proposed budget, individual fees, and description for each deliverable listed above;
  • Summary explaining why your firm is most qualified and interested in taking on this project;
  • Brief statement regarding the ownership of the produced materials and your policy regarding intellectual property issues;
  • List of three references for recent branding initiatives

The College thanks you for considering this request for a comprehensive review and refinement of our branding and marketing collateral, with a particular focus on integrating the expanding branches and auxiliary services of the College into the overall brand design.  We encourage open communication and dialogue and welcome your questions.  Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time during the process, using the contact information provided below.

Submission and Questions
All proposals must be delivered either electronically or via post and must be received by the end of the day on June 11, 2021 to be considered. Proposals may be submitted to or mailed to: Joseph Susanka, Vice President for Advancement, Wyoming Catholic College, 306 Main Street, Lander, WY 82520. Questions should be directed to Joseph Susanka, 307.335.4466 or

Wyoming Catholic College reserves the right to waive any irregularities, and to reject or accept any or all proposals in accordance with the College’s judgement as to what will best serve its interests. No compensation or reimbursement will be provided to firms responding to this RFP.  Costs incurred will be born solely by respondents.

Twelve Stars logo WCC Brand Purple ALlen