“What is Scripture For?”
Dr. Jeremy Holmes
Wyoming Catholic College
“The Constitutional Case for Life”
Joshua Craddock
James Wilson Institute on Natural Rights and the American Founding
Audio Archive
Socrates in Peoria
Dr. Richard Ferrier
Tutor, Thomas Aquinas College
What Our Country Needs
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Josiah Bunting III
Former Superintendent, Virginia Military Institute
Moral Law and Evangelization
Dr. Arthur M. Hippler
Chairman, Religion Department, Providence Academy
The Witness of Poetry
Dr. Glenn Arbery
President, Wyoming Catholic College
Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society
Dr. R. R. Reno
Editor, First Things Magazine
The Psalms and Christ Event in the Epistle to the Hebrews
Dr. Gregory Vall
Professor of Theology, Ave Maria University
Lectio Divina: How to Pray in Five Easy Steps
Dr. Timothy Gray
President, The Augustine Institute
Freedom from the Ground Up
Kyle Washut
Instructor, WCC
2014 Commencement Speech
Most Rev. James Conley
Bishop of Lincoln
States’ Rights and the Future of Federal Tyranny
Dr. Kevin Roberts
Former President, WCC
Constitutional Morality vs. Class Warfare
Dr. Virginia Arbery
Professor, WCC
“The Quest for Shakespeare”
Joseph Pearce
Visiting Fellow and Director of the Catholic Writers Program, The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts