Featured Audio Recordings

“What is Scripture For?”

Dr. Jeremy Holmes
Wyoming Catholic College

“The Constitutional Case for Life”

Joshua Craddock
James Wilson Institute on Natural Rights and the American Founding

Audio Archive

2013 Commencement Speech

Most Rev. Edward Slattery
Bishop of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma

“The State of the Modern Church”

JD Flynn
Editor, The Pillar

“Transgenderism, Transhumanism, and Human Identity in the Digital Age”

Abigail O'Brien ('23)

2012 Commencement Speech

Most Rev. Michael Sheridan
Bishop of Colorado Springs

“The Soul of the Statesman: Reflections on Greatness, Courage, and Moderation”

Dr. Daniel J. Mahoney
Professor Emeritus, Assumption University

“The Ascending Whale and Dantesque Descent in Melville’s Moby-Dick”

Dr. Elizabeth Reyes
Faculty, Thomas Aquinas College

“Catholic Responses to the Waste Land of Modernity”

Dr. Thomas Pfau
Professor, Duke University

Sirico at Podium

“Resisting Relativism”

by Fr. Robert Sirico
President, The Acton Institute

At Podium

Socrates in Peoria

Dr. Richard Ferrier
Tutor, Thomas Aquinas College

General Bunting

What Our Country Needs

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Josiah Bunting III
Former Superintendent, Virginia Military Institute


Moral Law and Evangelization

Dr. Arthur M. Hippler
Chairman, Religion Department, Providence Academy

Dr. Arbery Headshot

The Witness of Poetry

Dr. Glenn Arbery
President, Wyoming Catholic College