“It’s time to stand up for our history!”
Some colleges—like mine—offer a holistic perspective of American history and honor our characteristic values. If you are a proud American, consider attending or supporting these colleges and aspire to continually fulfill the mission of our Constitution’s preamble: to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” The stakes are higher than ever, and we hold the nation’s fate in our hands.
That quote, from the September 23rd edition of USA Today, is the closing salvo in Wyoming Catholic College senior Anthony Jones’ passionate defense of the history and ongoing relevance of America’s founding principles. We couldn’t agree more!
Here at Wyoming Catholic College, we are proud to teach Anthony and his fellow classmates that “holistic perspective of American history” our country and its young people so desperately need. We are grateful for the contributions America’s founders have made to past, present, and future generations of its citizens, and believe that there is much to be gained by following in their footsteps.
We are proud of our students’ vibrant, authentic faith, and of the rich spiritual heritage of the Catholic Church that shapes and enlivens everything we do as an institution. Visitors often remark on the joyful spirit they see in our students—a joy that can be traced directly to their relationship with God.
We are proud of an outdoor program that immerses them in the beauty and grandeur of the mountain wilderness, teaching them through hard knocks and through silent contemplation of beauty. The Wilderness is unforgiving and untamed; the vessel that contains, undiluted, God’s created beauty.
In a society increasingly opposed to all that we believe—to everything that we stand for—we are proud to produce graduates who love truth, think clearly, and communicate eloquently, engaging with the world as it is. Truly, as Anthony says, we hold the nation’s fate in our hands. That is why we will never compromise our values and principles. We will not bend to our culture’s insistent clamorings to betray the Truth, Goodness, and Beauty we hold most dear.
We need your support to keep up this fight. Please consider making a gift in support of Wyoming Catholic College and its unique educational mission. With your help, we will continue to educate students like Anthony—students who will stem the tide of relativism and amorality in our country, and give us all hope for the future.
May God bless you,
Dr. Glenn C. Arbery, President
Wyoming Catholic College