Margaret Mary Serchen
Where is your hometown?
New Berlin, Wisconsin.
All-time highlight of Wyoming Catholic?
The way that fostering friendships, reading Aristotle, rappelling into a redrock canyon, studying Calculus, and learning to fast and to pray, have simultaneously humbled me and shown me how vast and wonderful the world really is. This truer worldview is the sum of so many little moments, not a single “highlight” experience, but I think that it is the highlight of my time here.
Favorite outdoor trip memory?
The technical Mountaineering trip, fall of my Sophomore year. We summited five peaks using ropes, hands, and harnesses. Our group was tiny—only seven of us, all students—and we had so much fun both on the mountains and off of the mountains, reading The Hobbit aloud, cooking over the fire, and exploring in the snow. One vivid memory is of watching the brilliance of a sunrise dim the distant lights of Denver as we munched granola and recited “God’s Grandeur.”
What’s your favorite class, and why?
I have many, but I’ll go with Theology 202, on Creation and Providence. In addition to its many beautiful readings, this class shattered my false conceptions about God and transformed the way I relate to Him.
What’s a little-known fact about you?
I am near-fluent in Mandarin Chinese.