Aeja DeKuiper
Highlight of being at WCC: Dances at WCC are such a unique experience! Every class puts on a dance during the school year and it’s so fun to see the creativity each class brings. Organizing music, decorations, entertainment and costumes with my class is one of the things I love best about being part of WCC. Plus, who doesn’t love to party?!
Favorite outdoor trip memory: I was the Wilderness First Responder on an instructor climbing trip last fall and one evening we went night climbing. It was crack climbing at Sandstone Buttress on a cold, clear night. Climbing under the stars was a wild experience and being in the dark, with only my headlamp for guidance, forced me to trust my climbing ability more than in the daylight. The view from the top was incredible!
Little-known fact: I really like construction. My family built our house when I was in high school.
I am in the graduating Class of 2026.