The Robert K. “Bob” Costello
Happy Warrior Scholarship Fund

A financial adviser, entrepreneur, and a political thinker and activist constructively involved in issues facing his community and his country, Wyoming Catholic College Board Emeritus Member Bob Costello was a “happy warrior,” willing to engage anyone across the political spectrum in positive conversations about ideas.

He believed in the twin tenets of faith and reason, the former informing his reverence for the divine and his search to find the divinity in others and the latter as the path toward solving problems involving the civic order. In a nation divided and with passions often high, Bob’s inspiring example speaks to the angels of our better nature and underscores the hope he had in the future.

This scholarship, founded by Bob’s friends and family to honor his life and his belief in the importance of education and political engagement, is given each year to the student who best exemplifies the principles of free speech, civil discourse and the use of reason and critical thinking in the pursuit of truth. In their daily interactions, demeanor, and academic pursuits, the scholarship’s recipient reflects the optimism that Bob had in the future of the country and his belief that what binds us together as citizens is stronger than what pulls us apart.

Support Bob’s “Happy Warrior” Scholarship