Peter de Karetry, CFRE

Executive Director of Stewardship and Development, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

With more than 25 years of experience in fund development, Peter de Keratry has worked in a variety of professional settings beginning as a college student at Texas A&M where he served as Development Director for Saint Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M and oversaw a $5 million campaign for new facilities while an undergraduate student.  Following his time in College Station, de Keratry served a diverse group of organizations as a fundraising consultant, campaign director, and fundraising executive.

He has worked in parishes, dioceses, schools, associations, and a diverse array of non-profit settings including an international cultural center and museum built to honor Pope Saint John Paul II.  In addition to extensive work in sustainable fund development roles, he has overseen campaigns with goals ranging from $1 million to $350 million.

He served as Campaign Director for The Citadel Foundation with responsibility for the planning and implementation of a $100 million campaign to fund endowments, facilities and operations at The Military College of South Carolina. In 1994, Peter became co-founder of Petrus Development where he advised numerous clients including the Vatican Observatory Foundation, Benedictine College, the University of Mary in Kansas and various Catholic ministry centers at large public and private universities.

From 2010 to 2014, Peter served as the Director of Resource Development for the Archdiocese of Brisbane in Australia.  Then from 2014 to 2016 he served as Campaign Manager and Interim Director of Development for the Archdiocese of Chicago and its To Teach Who Christ is campaign.  With a goal of $350 million, the campaign eventually raised more than $420 million in commitments.

Peter has been a speaker on a variety of fundraising topics including campaigns, major gifts, sustainable development programs, building a culture of cultivation, soliciting gifts, the case for support and other topics.  He has been a speaker at several national and international conferences for the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Fundraising Institute of Australia, the Italian Fundraising Conference, the International Catholic Stewardship Council, the National Catholic Development Conference, the Petrus Leadership Institute, and others.

In 2016, Peter and his family settled in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma where he serves as the Executive Director of Stewardship & Development and of the Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma. After raising 165% of the goal of the first comprehensive campaign in the diocese, he currently oversees all aspects of a multifaceted fund development program including annual giving, parish support, major gifts for projects, special events, planned giving, and a State of Oklahoma tax credit program benefiting low-income students.

He is Program Coordinator for the Institute for Catholic Philanthropy at the University of Mary and teaches in the MBA, Catholic Philanthropy program.  He is past chair of the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ International Development Committee and has served on the board of the International Catholic Stewardship Council.  He has been a Certified Fund Raising Executive since 1999.

Peter graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communication from Texas A&M University and completed a Master of Arts degree in Philanthropy and Development from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.  He resides in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with his wife Colleen and their four children. He is an active member of the Order of Malta and volunteers in his local parish, with the Serra Club of Oklahoma City and with Sister BJ’s Pantry serving the homeless in Oklahoma City.