Marie deLorimier Wilmer
Mrs. Wilmer has a long, rich background in the realm of Catholic education, having served as an elementary school teacher in France and California for many years, bracketing her time working as a Product Marketing Manager in the world of computer technology. “In reading through the Philosophical Vision Statement for the College,” she says, “I find mirrored the expression of my personal philosophy of education. The statement rightly quotes Saint John Paul II when he speaks of the ‘becoming’ of the whole person through the spiritual heritage of Catholic thought. I have come to share this viewpoint through my work as a Catholic Educator, through developing curricula focused on building a love of learning, and through studies of Church teachings on education, of St. Thomas Aquinas and of the Church Fathers.”
In addition to her ongoing work as a grade-school educator, Mrs. Wilmer has been involved with the Archdiocese of San Francisco on a number of projects, and currently serves on the board of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education.