Caleb Colton
Where is your hometown?
I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri.
All-time highlight of Wyoming Catholic?
Celebrating the Paschal Triduum. Our liturgies have been surpassingly beautiful, especially Tenebrae (I got the chance to go to all three for the first time only last year!). Living in a community that both fasts and feasts so well makes participating in the Triduum deep and real in a way I had never experienced before.
Favorite outdoor trip memory?
There are a lot of candidates, but I’ll go with a backpacking trip in the Winds I made with some of my closest friends last summer, during which we got to climb Fremont Peak. Fremont peak has an incredible summit, a knife-edge ridge with a sheer drop hundreds of feet down to a vast glacier with magnificent views of the Winds. And our group, of course, was amazing.
What’s your favorite class, and why?
This is a hard choice, but the Junior Author Project has to be one of the top candidates. It’s been wonderful to spend a few months looking closely at a single author’s work, getting to know him from a number of different angles and getting the chance to do some slightly more self-directed work.
What’s a little-known fact about you?
I grew carnivorous plants for a number of years before coming to college.