Lecture Series to Resume This Month
Each year, Wyoming Catholic College welcomes lecturers from the wider academic community to the town of Lander—distinguished men and women who contribute complementary perspectives across a wide range of disciplines. Four such lectures are held during the year, and all are open to the public.
On October 20th, Dr. R. J. Pestritto will be speaking on “Progressivism, Political Philosophy, and the American Political Tradition.” Dr. Pestritto is Dean of the Graduate School of Statesmanship at Hillsdale College, holds the Charles and Lucia Shipley Chair in the American Constitution, serves as a senior fellow of the College’s Kirby Center and is also a senior fellow of the Claremont Institute. He earned his B.A. from Claremont McKenna College, his M.A. and Ph.D. in government from the Claremont Graduate University, and is the author of Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism, the editor of Woodrow Wilson: The Essential Political Writings, and the co-editor of American Progressivism: A Reader.
On December 8th, Dr. Andrew Osborn will speak on “Graceful Errors, Lyric Yields.” An Associate Professor in the Constantin College of Liberal Arts at the University of Dallas, Dr. Osborn is the author of a poetry collection, Plato’s Aviary, and has published articles on Wallace Stevens’s unclarities, Paul Muldoon’s fuzzy rhymes, and poetic difficulty. He is working on a critical monograph about Jorie Graham’s lyric negotiations.
On February 2nd, Wyoming Catholic’s own Dr. Thaddeus Kozinski will deliver a lecture entitled “Is Reading Plato Necessary for Salvation?” Dr. Kozinski is Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at the College, and is the author of The Political Problem of Religious Pluralism: And Why Philosophers Cannot Solve It (as well as Liberalism vs. the Logos, forthcoming from Angelico Press).
And on April 6th, Dr. William Brownsberger will deliver a lecture on the value of silence in modern society, “Adrift on a Windy Ocean: Sounding the Depths of Noise in Contemporary Society.” Dr. Brownsberger is Academic Dean and Professor of Theology at Conception Seminary College, and has written and lectured extensively on the “significance of silence” in modernity. His essay, “Silence,” was a key text in the College’s “Symposium on Silence and Sacred Space in the Modern World,” held earlier this year.